GC#4, page 85 completed!
Yes, for a second day in a row, I am posting an update with the completion of page 85! Not that it wasn't detailed like the others — for it was. However, the page has less panels and characters, as well as the fact that I got a good start on it yesterday after posting that update. I'm making good progress on this much-anticipated issue. Only 7 pages and the cover to issue 6 to go! Enjoy the preview!
Woooooo, fast progress!
Now all we need to do is handcuff BA to his computer with all the coffee he can drink and some truckers pep pills... XD
lol sounds like a good plan, but seriously wow at the progress ! :)
Absolutely brilliant -- you'll spoil us all with the frenetic pace you're setting! And frankly, being spoiled has never been more delightful. Very much looking forward to the PE! Genius as always.
Nice work on the textures! The tension on the material and the ripping of the seams looks incredible.
Is it just me or is her arm a bit... weird?
Anon#1: Thanks! I'm trying to get this issue done as fast as I can (without sacrificing quality).
Anon#2: Actually, that much stimulation is not good. Jittery hands, and rushed lines. :)
mrkidmanga: Thanks! See Anon#1.
zemog: Thanks!
Mister B: Hey! Fancy meeting you here! ;D Haven't heard from you! -- The textures really make this issue by giving added form to the cloth.
Anon#3: Just you. ;D (jk). Actually, it is because of the combination of the cropped down preview and some foreshortening of the arm that you can't quite make out due to the cropping. Better on the full page.
I check your blog regularly, and have since you first launched. Sorry I haven't written directly. RL has been action-packed, and it's all going very well.
Very much looking forward to this issue!
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