Tuesday, March 1, 2011

GC#4, page 78 completed... finally!

It's been a busy week between "RL" work, meetings, and working on a detailed page of grOw/cOmic#4. As of today, I was finally able to finish page 78. The page has quite a bit of lighting effects that took extra time. Adding to that, the aforementioned "real life" work zapped quite a bit of time since my last update last Tuesday. I lost whole days in which to work on this page, due to extended meetings and deadlines. While there is potential for more delays due to this, I think the worst has passed, and I hope to have more time to work on the current issue.


Anonymous said...

Hot dang, if that isn't an inviting preview, I dunno what is!

Anonymous said...

Holy moly!!!
I'm thinking of no loonger stopping by your blogs so that the whole issue can be a surprise when it comes out.
That looks freaking exciting!

Anonymous said...

Hmm, and I thought issue 5 would be a lengthy discussion between Lynn & Jon about what was happening. They'd speculate, they'd argue, they'd disagree.
This preview looks nothing like that. So much for having a debate /jks

Fall said...

That is some damn impressive shading too! Shaping up to be an amazing issue!

Anonymous said...

*I found that copypasting the url into the exceptions panel in Chrome did not work, but typing it manually did.

I love BA's work, and I'm going to buy this issue no matter what. I just want to be able to check the issue's progress without anything at all being given away. And I mean anything :)

Anonymous said...

Great lighting

BustArtist said...

Thanks for all the comments. The lighting is somewhat important to these few pages, and you will see the previews showing the effects I've had to work on. I am glad the previews are "piquing your interest".

Some browsers have "Developer" mode, that allow you to turn off images, such as Safari, and probably Firefox with certain plug-ins.