GC#4, page 80 completed!
Since the weekend, I've made good progress on the next page, 80. "Real life" work is slowing me a little, but nothing too bad. I was still able to complete a page, with continued strong lighting effects, in less than 2 days. The next few pages, while not having the same lighting effects, will have multiple panels and details that may keep me busy on each one. In the meantime, enjoy this latest preview which is just a little more vaguer than the last few. :)
At this point, it may also be a good time to put up an issue "map", showing the progress made so far. As mentioned earlier, this issue will be a total of 4 pages longer than normal for a total of 20 pages — 2 more than the previous extra-paged issues of grOw/cOmic#4!
ohhh man.... =]
Great progress BA! :)
Nearly half way, BA! You can do it!!!
nice :)
Thanks all. And we just got another page closer today!
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