Tuesday, March 15, 2011

GC#4, page 82 completed -- the half-way mark!

It took an extra day compared to my previous updates, but I finally finished page 82, which is the half-way mark through this 20-page issue. This page had a number of full-body characters, clothing textures, lighting, complicated backgrounds, and numerous face shots — all of which take extra time. Over the last few pages, I very much like how the sweater texture came out, something I thought I would leave only to the cover, or a few close-up shots. A careful application of Photoshop's liquify command of a flat sweater texture, applied to a layer in "overlay" mode achieved the effect I was looking for even better than I had anticipated.


Anonymous said...

Now that right there is a TEASE!

Excellent work BA, this one looks like it's gonna be awesome, and the extra clothing and lighting effects really are appreciated.

Anonymous said...


mrkidmanga said...

very nice ;)

Anonymous said...

The artwork is great, and that you're finding new things in Photoshop is just the cherry on top :)

other290 said...

Can't wait to buy the whole issue - She's still wearing too many clothes!