GC#4, last page of issue 3 completed!
Well, I wasn't sure it was going to possible — in fact, I really believed it would not be — but I decided to work later since I was so close, and finally completed page 54. This is the last page of issue 3! Now, all I have to do is ink and color the cover to issue 4 (which will appear at the end), do a full proofread and make any corrections, make the PDF, and then set up the store, and we have a release! Release day all depends on if I get killed with "real life" work early next week (which is a possibility), but I am hoping between Monday and Wednesday. The next new post here will be for the release of grOw/cOmic#4, issue 3, "Don't Be Shy Over Spilled Milk"! All... most... there!
As everyone has said, really looking forward to this issues since I saw the last page of the last issue. Thanks for all the hard work - the quality just better, been a custmer since you started with Grow 1. And as always, thanks to Juliekat for the proofreading & letting you continue work on the issues. I've never been more excited to see milk before!
Go go go!
woop woop! cant wait to get this!
refreshing! i know you said it may be the end of the week... but still refreshing!
I can't wait!
hah, i've become "that guy" who keeps refreshing the blog every hour or so to see if it's come out yet.
oh, the anticipation!
Me too. :3
ive been refreshing the main site everyonce and awhile
so excited
Wait no longer! :)
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