Friday, February 19, 2010

CG#4: page 4 complete!

I had hoped to post this yesterday, but I couldn't quite get the page completed with some "real" work coming in at the last minute. But, I was able to quickly finish it up this morning. Another detailed page, this one took a bit longer than usual. The story is taking shape, and characters are being introduced. Enjoy the preview!


Anonymous said...

Do you have copy writer for so good articles? If so please give me contacts, because this really rocks! :)

other290 said...

Just like Pixar movies, I can't wait to see new releases! I keep flipping back through past stories and enjoy them everytime - definatly shows the time you and the authors put into them. I am always happy to see equal growth & changes - I like imaginative stories that can get everyone into the act.

Anonymous said...

The small "bubbles" in this preview (Not the thought bubbles, the other ones) make me think this scene is underwater??? 0_o

Anonymous said...

It's interesting to go back and compare this little preview with the pencil sketch you posted a month or so ago, nice progress.

BustArtist said...

@Anonymous: the bubbles are not underwater. Think of them like the swirling birds around someone's head indicating dizziness or just being conked on the head. They are not literal. These bubbles indicate drunkeness. ;D

@Potato: Heh, I was going to say something about that, but I wanted to see if anyone noticed. Congrats on being the first (at least to voice it outloud).