Page 71 completed... finally.
It's been a long time since the last update, I know. I wanted to have this page done within 1 week of the previous page, but that was not to be the case. There was just too much going on to finish it in that period of time. I can't quite say at this point if this amount of work will continue, as it is too early to say so. The work that is pulling me from completeing the next issue is constantly changing -- unfortunately. Hopefully, I will not be updating once every week-and-a-half, but rather every 3 days, at least. Hang in there. In the meanwhile, enjoy the newest preview!
Hi BA!
Take your time there. At least people here understand that.
On ExpansionMansion, some people are rather impatient over my non-precise release dates. Ticks me off a bit-I mean, Johnny Swell still has yet to fully complete his Berrygirl story arc, and that's been going on for longer than my own story.
Btw, I was trying to open Part 4 of 'Inconvenient Growth,' but got a message that the file is damaged. When the system tries to repair, it, I get 'insufficient data for an image.' When you were mentioning the error sometime after the release of Part 4, was this the error others were receiving?
You don't have to appologize for work, hope things are going well for you. The updates look great, can't wait for the full issue.
Seriously, take your time we will wait happily.
Thanks, everyone, for the support! I am working hard at balancing everything, but I will make sure this is part of the mix! I just posted the next page.
uruseiranma -- The problem people "had" was that the PDF did not download, but opened in the browser window, without a save option. The error you speak of may be an indication that your PDF reader is wonky or outdated. Try downloading the newest Adobe Reader (its FREE) and try again. If not, email me at
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