Monday, January 26, 2009

Page 61 completed !

The pages are still coming along, a little at a time, but I am making good progress. This page was more detailed, with 5 full panels and lots of components. Chip, chip, chip — and we're nearly done! As hinted in the last 2 previews, this page also had a lot of lighting effects, that took more time to do. This will be the case for the next 2 pages, as well. Don't be surprised if the next few previews are a little more vague than previous ones, since we are coming to the "end". Enjoy the preview!


Anonymous said...

Awesome, nearly there. Contrary to other's previous suggestions, don't go quitting your day job, just keep up a regular pace and we'll be fine.
What does everyone think the "vagueness" is hiding? I hope it's Missy with a shocked expression.

BustArtist said...

What does everyone think the "vagueness" is hiding"

I ain't tellin'. :) Big or little, it could give away answers to the open-ended questions posed at the end of issue 3. Plus, it may give away the "results", so to speak.