Page 59 finished !
This one was a doozy — lots of details and lighting effects (the most so far in the last few pages). Things take a twist in the story here, and the art had to reflect that. Because off all of this, this one took longer. Enjoy the preview!
Page 60 may not be posted before Monday, for a number of reasons: it is another page of detail and lighting; possible heavy workload tomorrow; and later, I have to shovel the 4-5 inches of snow that has fallen before it drops to 5°F tonight. Brrrrrrrr!
Five to go.. JUST FIVE MORE to go..... ok, I am good, I can wait.... Huh? What did I just say!
Keep warm BA!
Any thoughts on what your next project is?
Looks like the doors just opened on the elevator. Man I hope that Red Head is standing there, jaw dropped and jealous (so jealous in fact...)
Whoops! Forgot to post a response here. Sorry.
Next project? Yes and no. I want to start on putting out new grOw/stOries soon. It's been a long time since. When this series is over, that is my next focus. For the next cOmic, I already have the story in my mind — it will contain all sorts of grOwth fetishes.
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