Tuesday, July 2, 2013

grOw/cOmic#5, pencils completed!

It's been a while since my last update, but lots of things have been going on.

1)  Pencils for the last 15 pages of issue 5 (and, basically, of the whole series) were completed today!  Whoot!  Tomorrow begins the inking and painting of the final pages of "grOwing Appreciation".  I am, unfortunately, way further behind than I had anticipated (I was hoping for a release late June to early July). I hope, if things go just right, to have a released end of July.

2) The "Wacom Cintiq Fundraiser" is still being worked on, but I am getting close. I finally figured out the reward tier level structure. It will be a 2-tier structure in which rewards will be based on the amount you contribute, as well as how much everyone contributes as a whole. I will have a contribution mascot who will "grow" as contributions go up. She will sort of be like my old NaviGirls. However, what is even better, is that YOU will be able to determine the amount of growth and what kind.  Each dollar contributed will add growth to either breast, butt/hip, or height — and you can even mix and match.  More details to come.

Causes of the delay since my last post were a combination of creating many, many Poser "set ups" for the last 15 pages of issue 5, working on the Wacom Cintiq Fundraiser (and mascot), and general "RL" work. There are so many Poser-assisted panels in this issue due to the many dramatic camera angles, and more GTS to normal human size interactions. Maintaining proper proportions is key.

So get ready for a new stream of color previews over the next few weeks, leading up to the release of the final chapter in grOw/cOmic#5. I will focus on this issue more than the Fundraiser for now, to make sure there are less delays.


Anonymous said...

So you won't allow belly expansion for the wacom girl?

BustArtist said...

Well, "belly expansion" is, and never was, "my thing". I've never drawn or even talked about such. So, for a fundraiser that is a based on a goal of enhancing my work, it is not part of the equation. There are many other "expansion" themes out there, that I also do not do. I hope this helps to explain. Thank you for your interest, however! :)