grOw/cOmic#6, issue 5 pencils completed, scanned.
I finished the pencils this past Friday for issue 5 of "Milking the Plot." I didn't post this until today because I didn't complete the pencils until very late, and had not scanned any of them (I wanted to include 2 previews with this post). Each page is drawn at about 11"x15", so it takes 2 scans per page, and some compositing to get it ready for inking and painting (and previewing). I completed this stage today, allowing me to choose a couple of previews from all the drawings. Tomorrow, I will be able to start inking and painting, which means color previews will be coming soon.
When you say 'pencils'.... Actual pencils? Not the cintiq?
(tablet/monitor thing)
Did you ever have cable/connector issues with your previous Wacom?
jayessell: Yes, I mean "actual" pencils. The first step in drawing the panels, I use a mechanical pencil, first with non-repro blue and then with an "F" grade pencil lead. These are then scanned in. After that, I do the final inking and coloring on the Cintiq. I find the drawing with pencil (something I've done since age 3 or so) is so much more natural, pleasing, and accurate (for me).
Oh... and no, I don't have cable issues with the Cintiq (except on 1 or 2 occassions where the video lightning cable came out of my iMac... but that's actually an adapter and not the original connector from the Cintiq).
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