Tuesday, March 5, 2013

grOw/cOmic#5, page 69 completed!

As I mentioned yesterday, I was able to make great progress on page 69 after I finished page 68. This allowed me to complete page 69 today, even though it was full of detail and effects (as you can see). The next page or 2 will require setting up new backgrounds, which will take more time. Due to this (and some "RL" work that is bugging me), you won't see a third day in a row update, unfortunately. But as we slowly get closer to a release, there are only 6 more pages to go!


Anonymous said...

It's official, my excitement level has gone through the roof. Just like Jennie in these previews. Six pages to go baby!

BustArtist said...

:) Appropriate description.

Anonymous said...

Somebody has to say it... 69 dude!

BustArtist said...

I was going to... but decided not to and see if anyone would say it. :)