Friday, May 25, 2012

grOw/cOmic#5, page 23 completed!

Whew! This last page was a detailed one, but I was finally able to complete it, and can now present the preview for page 23. The more people in a scene (especially if their faces are shown), plus the more panels on a page, can all add up to more time needed to finish. Faces require much more detail, and that detail also takes extra care to craft properly. This page had 10 bodies and 8 faces. 

Enjoy the preview!  And to my U.S. readers, enjoy the Memorial Day holiday weekend!


other290 said...

Have a good Memorial Day Weekend. Can't wait to buy the next issue - I think people will be looking at other details besides the faces! Your work & detail is wonderful as always.

Anonymous said...

Have you ever thought about automating some of the face drawing? Like have a stock set of eyes, eyebrows, mouths and ears but drawing a new head, hair, nose and jaw every time?

BustArtist said...

other290: Thanks! The weekend was enjoyable, thx. "Heh, heh" in terms of where people will be looking. ;D

Anon#1: Interesting concept. However, as I thought about it, I like to draw each frame specifically for the scene. Plus, my drawing style would not lend to this. A more "vaguely rendered" style, such as animation or manga, could benefit. Plus, there is so much more beyond the line drawing (such as coloring and lighting) that time saved (if any, truthfully) wouldn't be worth it for my work (IMHO). Liek I said, interesting thought though.