Tuesday, March 13, 2012

grOw/cOmic#5, page 1 complete!

The first page of the new grOw/cOmic#5 series has just been completed!  This took longer than I had hoped due to a number of reasons. First, on day 1 of the ink and paint stage, I took about 4 or 5 hours to practice, experiment, redo, and play with making better hair. This was a lot harder than I thought it would be to get to a stage that I was satisfied with.  Second, I had to take about 4 days off to rest my arm. I've been working so hard — with my arm and hand in very tight grips to keep my lines steady (I need to learn to loosen up) — that I had a major shoulder/arm/hand cramp/spasm. I had to stop working during the first panel it was so bad, and actually had trouble sleeping. Four days of rest, heat & cold, and a major (professional-level) massage by my wife reeeeallly helped to break up those damned knotted muscles.
Enjoy the first preview!


other290 said...

Glad to hear the arm is healing, JulieKat must be a lifesaver. Hope RL work and the arm cooperate - can't wait to see the whole issue.

Anonymous said...

Looking good so far, though I'm surprised to see growth already happening on page 1 XD

Sorry to hear about the arm, don't work yourself too hard now

Anonymous said...

Wow, already growing on page 1? This'll be one hell of a comic.

Of course it could be a scene from the movie they're watching, or someone having a nice dream. ^_^

Hope your arm continues to feel better! :)

Anonymous said...

Love it! I'm watching this one!

BustArtist said...

other290 JK is a lifesaver. Can't tell you how much better the arm/shoulder feel after she "broke" that damn knot in my muscles. (She beat me up pretty good to do so!) :)

Anon#1, #2: Thanks. There's always a reason for timing and amount of growth. :) And I am working on strengthening and relaxing the arm. It's amazing what "repetitive movement" can do to you.

Anon#3: Thanks!