Friday, February 24, 2012

grOw/cOmic#5 update

Well, I didn't get to start the drawing phase this week, as I had hoped. Turns out that I had a lot more supportive work to finish first before I committed pencil to paper.

I continued working on the layout of the storyline, drawing thumbnail sketches for issue 4. I also worked on the backgrounds some more, having noticed some missing items vital to the story. In addition, I have been rendering the high-resolution backgrounds needed for issue 1. To make sure the drawings line up, I have found out that doing the background first for a panel is a lot easier than trying to fit the background the the pencil drawing.

Another piece of preparation that needed to be done was to look for "reference" material for the characters. Drawing characters requires consistency from panel to panel, and in different emotions and angles, so using reference photos really helps.

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