Friday, June 24, 2011

GC#4, page 103 completed!

Page 103 took a little longer than the other pages so far in this issue, but that was because it was quite the detailed page, with a decent number of the 4 "F's" — frames, faces, figures and "fx" (special effects). The more of each these items there are, the more time it takes to complete a page, as they can be labor intensive. In addition, the backgrounds took some time to marry up to the figures properly; some being very detailed, themselves. The previews may be becoming more and more vague as we start the countdown to the last 9 pages of the entire 112-page series. I wouldn't want to give anything away. Enjoy the preview!


mrkidmanga said...

thanks for the update, the colors look great! :)

Wassel said...

Nice preview, I really like how you draw faces and expressions. They have this great "life-like" quality(if that makes any sense).

CG said...

Looks amazing! Love the previews and can't wait until it's finished. So awesome seeing everything come to fruition. At the rate you're going I bet you'd been done before July!

other290 said...

Can't wait for the whole issue, hope you enjoy the 4th.

BustArtist said...

Thanks, all! In stories like this, faces are important. They are also the most difficult to produce.