Friday, June 17, 2011

GC#4, page 101 completed!

I had to work extra late today to get this page finished before the weekend. Filled with a lot of detail and special effects (blurs, motion, depth of field, liquids, etc.), page 101 proved to be a heavy work load!

I was also delayed a little as I have been trying to do research on a new Host/eCommerce solution. If anyone has a possible suggestion (one that they kind of know, and not just Googling a random place), drop me an email at


PhoenixtheII said...
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PhoenixtheII said...

How about I've bought a few from this guy: Phillip Jackson

Seems he is in the same genre as you too so I guess that wouldn't be much of a problem on the terms part then. I don't know how much they charge you per download though.

But they do have a wide variety on payment options. Which I really <3 :

Anonymous said...

I hope she get bigger than any other girls before ;)

Anonymous said...

These previews keep getting more and more tantalizing, can't wait for the finished result.

BustArtist said...

I thought about LuLu, but need to look into it. My work may be a tad (re: a lot!) more risque than Jolly Jack's work. LuLu was almost the original distributor of "grOw" when they were much smaller, but the content was a no go. Still searching...