Tuesday, November 9, 2010

GC#4, page 60 complete!

The musculature is coming easier, especially after finishing page 60. While the details are taking noticeably longer per panel, the more I do, the easier it becomes. And, the easier it becomes, the faster the pages will be completed. I must say, it is quite a contrast of stature in the current character line-up. :D Enjoy the preview!


Anonymous said...

Nice work BA, great to hear it's gaining momentum. 12 pages to go!

Anonymous said...

That is an interesting comment on the contrasts of stature. Mayhapse you would include a character lineup in the last issue?

Anonymous said...

Excitement runs rampant!

Question for you, BA: How long does each page take you to complete on average? Or more specifically, how much time is consumed for each step of your artistic process?

~ G

BustArtist said...

Potato: Thanks! Yep, more than 1/3 done!

Anonymous#2: Actually, if you look at the covers to the series (especially the "inside" cover) you get a sort of character line-up. :)

G: Hmm... VERY roughly, and all depending on complexity of the page, I would say 1-2 hours per page writing, 1 hour to plan and re-plan the thumbnail page sketches, 1-2 hours to pencil draw, 1-3 hours to ink (line work), and then 2-6 hours to paint (Photoshop shadowing, effects, backgrounds, etc). So, per page, it could vary from 6-14 hours per page.

Anonymous said...

Hey BA loving your work can't wait for this issue.

I think anonymous #2 has a great idea. Just a page with all the girls and Jon. So we the admirers can see the difference in stature of say Claudine and Jeannette when they are at their largest. And Kara and Marybeth to see the comparison in size at their biggest? Just a thought. Would be much appreciated :D