Thursday, March 25, 2010

CG#4: page 18 complete!

(Finally) The last page of issue 1, of the new grOw/cOmic series "grOwing Desires" has been completed! It's been a long week, and a lot of last minute, deadline-driven projects slowed me down on finishing this page, which is detailed itself. Now, it's on to the covers — issue 1's cover (of course) and issue 2's cover (which shows as a sneak peak at the end of the issue). Issue 1's cover is already drawn, and I penciled issue 2's cover today, so progress is being made. We're getting closer!


Anonymous said...

woot! first day purchase for me as usual!

uruseiranma said... the looks of things...something is gonna happen to this guy. That pose just seems to scream 'I don't feel so good,' or 'I feel dizzy.'

thatguy8620 said...

Can't wait bustartist! Card at the ready to buy!

@usruseiranma: I think you could be right and it could be something happening to him. OR, it could be the fact that there is a huge wall of boob that apparently just grew and he's about to faint from either shock or 'rapid blood relocation' ;).

other290 said...

Been reading old issues and I realized we all have thanked the authors and the artist, but I don't think we thanked the proofreader & the artist's muse - Juliekat! Thanks BA & Juliekat for the great work - Can't wait to see what's next!

Anonymous said...

I'm with Uruseiranma, it looks like he's starting some transformation of his own to whet out appetites for the next issue.
I'm really divided if I want to follow the next issues' previews over the blog. I'd like to read each new issue with no idea what's going to happen.
Maybe if BA posted the screen shot previews as a link without an image?

BustArtist said...

Heh heh... or, it could be... nah, I won't say. You'll just have to find out!

@Potato: I am not sure how to do that with Blogger. I upload the image, make it smaller, but since the original is larger, it automatically makes a link to a larger version.
Of course, if you had a browser like Firefox or Safari, you could disable images before coming to the blog!

uruseiranma said...

"Heh heh... or, it could be... nah, I won't say. You'll just have to find out!"

LOL! I know the feeling, BA. After page 43, I've had maybe 5-8 people asking me, "what happens next?"

Still, I had to take a guess.