Page 40 complete! We are at the half way mark.
Page 40 is finished, and represents the completion of half of the 16 pages of issue 3. Eight more pages to go! (See the updated progress map.) As you can see by the preview, the tension is really building in the story now.
In terms of the art, the upgrade to Adobe CS4 (I am u
sing Illustrator and Photoshop) has really made an improvement in both work quality and speed. I am very much liking this jump from CS2 to CS4 (I used the CS3 trial for about a month in between). Enjoy the preview!
The artwork is to the point of where it "looks" like those Schwab adverts, where the "artistic" characters depicted in the advert, are actually real people, just filtered thru a special video process to make them look like animation. There was a movie done like that as well, but don't ask me the name. In ANY case, I am glad that is just keeps getting better, and better and better. Kudos BA!
You Da MAN!
Thanks, dedicated fan! I am glad you like how it is coming along so far. The movie you refer to is "A Scanner Darkly" with Keanu Reeves. :) And I know the TV advertisements you commented about. I appreciate the complements! Funny thing is, before the Photoshop work, the illustrations for the cOmic pages DO look like those techniques, with the "hard edge" shadowing effect, similar to cell animation.
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