Monday, September 22, 2008

Page 14 complete of grOw/cOmic#3 !

Slow, but steady — I've been getting swamped with "real life" work over the past week, keeping me from working on the issue as much as I want to. Today, however, I was able to crank out a page. I had to work late to do so, but it was accomplished. Too tired to write any more. :) Enjoy the preview! Only 2 more pages and the cover to go!


Anonymous said...

Your work continues to inspire me with my own comic (I just took a break from working on page 25 to check for updates).

The best thing about your comics is that no matter what the preview is, the comic always exceeds the little glimpse.

BustArtist said...

Thanks, uruseriranma! I try. And your comic is coming along quite nicely! Every page sees improvement in coloring, drawings, and layout! Keep it up!