Thursday, August 28, 2008

grOw/cOmic#3, page 5 complete!

This was a very complicated page, so it took a while. I was hoping to post this last night, but just couldn't finish it. The page has 9 panels, each with a complicated background and subject (the truck and bus). Yes, 9 panels is a lot, but its a progressive sequence. I think it came out quite nicely, and flows smoothly even though there are so many frames. You can see a small example of the details that took so long here. There were also other frames of people close-ups as well. Enjoy!


Anonymous said...

found someone postin free dls of yer work. sent link in email.

BustArtist said...

anonymous -- please send link again. I either did not get it, or it was deleted in junk mail. Please put "GROW stolen" in subject. THANKS MUCH !!!

Anonymous said...

done and done. labeled it Grow Stolen.

can't waite 4 the next boobtacular story!