Chipping away at the latest issue, I was able to complete up to frame 46 this week, which puts us just past the halfway mark of this 90-frame issue. I am really enjoying
taking advantage of using my 3d program no only to render the
backgrounds, but to use it to plan some really cool camera angles.
I had hoped to hit 50 frames, but some "real life" work and responsibilities ate up some time this week. But next week, it's back to the grind!
I was able to complete up to frame 22 of 90, and make significant progress on frame 23 by the end of last week. With that in mind, 22.5 is exactly 25% of 90. I was unable to post a preview on Friday, as the remnants of Hurricane Michael knocked out my internet for 4 days. It only recently came back up.
Enjoy the preview!
Well, it's been just over 2 weeks since the last release of grOw/cinema, so I guess I should get back to work. Wait a minute! I HAVE been back to work! In fact, I've written the script, sketched all 90 frames for the storyboard to plan the issue, created one new 3D background, built onto an existing background for the new issue, AND completed 11 frames!
Not only that, but I've also created one of my many "BE parody" illustrations. I call this one, "Ah-grow-ah Tano". If you've not seen it yet, either on Twitter or my DeviantArt page, here it is again, below. Enjoy!
Hopefully, this will make up for the long lag between issues 7 and 8 due to my move and reestablishing myself in my new home and state. The time between these issues was 126 days, the longest period between any grOw/cinema release. (The days between issues, from Episodes 1-8, were: 77, 59, 63, 98, 77, 70, and 90.)
Thank you for hanging in there, and thank you for your continued $upport! There is no way I could put so much time into each issue if people didn't support me. It's a full-time job!