Friday, December 1, 2017

grOw/cinema, Episode V, now 94% completed!

I realized that I forgot to post an update last week. This was partially due to the fact that it was the Thanksgiving holiday week (here in the U.S.). With the holiday om Thursday, I thought I would do some more work on the following Friday, and put up my usual Friday update. However, like many others, take the day and make a 4-day weekend. While I did work on the issue a bit that day, I got pulled away and forgot to post an update. To make up for that, I am uploading 2 previews with this post.

But, for this week, I can definitively say that Episode V is now 94% done!  I just finished frame 77 of 82 frames tonight. I've been making some refinements to the last quarter of the episode as I get closer to the ending — better camera angles, adjusting the pacing, adding and subtracting frames, and rewriting dialogue. 

I should have no trouble (shhh, famous last words! I hope I don't jinx myself) completing the episode next week and subsequently release it.  Of course, I also have to create the cover image, proofread (multiple times) and make corrections (both in text and art... I hate when I do things like forget glasses on a character), create the final PDF, do all the website graphics and programming, and upload it all and test the website.

Speaking of website, I was hoping to have the updated website ready for this issue. I think I am going to wait until after traffic from the release of Episode V has died down to do so. There are a few last minute programming things I need to do, which I put off since some "real life" work slowed this issue down. I also don't want to put up a new website, only to have bugs during a new release and cause issues. It's better when sales are slow.

We are VERY close to release of Episode V, "Gravitational Attraction".  Hang in there!


other290 said...

Can't wait to buy the next issue. Hope the Holidays and RL work all went well for you. Will have to start wearing out the refresh button again.

aSnowman said...

Great to hear, and glad you took some time for Thanks Giving. Really looking forward to this release. I'm really enjoying the journey so far, great artwork as always

Anonymous said...

I see that you have interracial relations. I hope you gave her a booty that's worthy!

Anonymous said...

Are those 2 part of the ever-expanding universe? I'm with it I'm just curious.

Anonymous said...

Forgot to put fine between I'm and with.

Anonymous said...

Of course I’m not BA but I would almost bet they are. I think the girl in the second shot is the one in the classroom in the first issue.

I also think the mystery girl from the other previews is the Teacher from the first chapter as well not 100% on that though.

On a side note super excited to read this new issue. Can’t wait to see what you have in store for us!