Friday, June 2, 2017

grOw/cinema, Episode III, frame 65 completed and more...

While I produced less than a good week, I was able to complete a decent 7 frames in the next Episode of grOw/cinema. However, not only that, but I wrote the script and started planning out frames 66-80.  You see, I originally thought I would end this particular chapter at frame 65 (which I completed today). But I decided that I would extend it, if I could use the next 15 frames to: a) bring it up to a similar count to the first 2 extra-long Episodes; and b) make the storyline be enticing enough. I believe I have. I can now definitely say (you may notice that I hadn't done so until now) that this Episode will be about 80 frames.  Only 15 more to go!  Hang in there!  We're getting close!


Anonymous said...

Cant wait!!!

Anonymous said...

Hope to see a lot of really big butt expansion in the upcoming issue! I love some impossibly-huge boobs, but there needs to be an equally impossible rear-end to balance it out!

Anonymous said...

Cannot wait for this next issue - really enjoyed this style of comic