Wednesday, August 3, 2016

grOw/cOmic#6, page 130 completed!

I wasn't sure if I was going to be able to do it considering the number of frames and details on this page, but I worked a little later than usual and finished page 130 of grOw/cOmic#6, the penultimate page in the 21-page issue 7! There is only one more page (and the cover to issue 8 as a preview at issue's end) to go! Hang in there!


other290 said...

Can't wait to see the issue - keeping my collection of your stories complete. Looks great as always

Anonymous said...

You are so good as an artist. Seriously have risen erotica above and beyond. They aren't a fetish porn but decent comics. Plus your are good with these teasers. Excellent job showing just enough to peak interest every update but without goving too much away. This post is nothing anyone here doesn't know but thought it ahould be acknowledged. I have my wallet ready for the premium edition! Thanks BA

BustArtist said...

other290: Coming soon! Thanks -- glad you're enjoying it so far!

Anon: Thanks so much. As much as I DO try to make it "fetish" focused, I also want to make it a decent story/comic as well, as you put it. I am glad my efforts come across as intended. :-) And thanks for supporting the Premium Edition, which shows you enjoy the work behind the work as well as the art!