Friday, April 15, 2016

Issue 6: MAYBE today! Stay tuned!

I've been working hard, and the cover to issue 7 (as a preview at the end of issue 6) went surprising quick and smooth.   I might be able to released grOw/cOmic#6, issue 6 ("Plot Twists") TODAY!   Stay tuned... I hope to release or know if it won't happen by 6pm EST today....


other290 said...

Wonderful news - but either way can't wait to buy the new issue. will refresh continually to check in!

ktc said...

Man don't do that to my heart rate! Exciting if you so get it released today.

BustArtist said...

Bam! It is done. Issue 6 released! :-) Enjoy! (Wheww......)

Anonymous said...

Hi fella, it's been a month now since last update, anyone's on what's fresh?

BustArtist said...

Anon: Hang in there! I hope to post an update by Friday. Been some delays, but things are moving ahead on the next issue!