grOw/cOmic#6, page 110 completed! Final issue 6 page!
I just completed the final page of issue 6 ("Plot Twists") to grOw/cOmic#6! Page 110 is now done, and it's time to go into the final production phase before release. There is still a lot of work to be done, including conceptualizing, drawing, inking and painting the cover to issue 7. Then, there is prufreeding proofreading and the inevitable corrections; creating the 3 PDFs (standard, premium, art-only); creating the graphics for the website; and programing the store for all the new products. Don't expect all of this to be done before the weekend. I would be patient and watch for release notifications which could be as early as Monday! Hang in there!
I will, Bustartist... I mean I have waited 3 months for this chapter, I sure i can wait another week or less...
Looks excitin' BA, really excited for what this issue has in store
Gonna be wearing out the refresh button! Standing by to buy, thanks to your proofreader as well.
Hang in there... maybe TODAY! (Will know by 6pm EST April 15)
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