Friday, February 5, 2016

grOw/cOmic#6, issue 6 pencils completed!

It took a little longer than expected (mostly due to some "real life" work, and an 8" snow storm that sapped my time by having to clear the snow today), but I was able to work a little later tonight and complete the last page of issue 6 ("Plot Twists") of grOw/cOmic#6!  Next week, it's on to the ink and paint stage.  As usual, during this stage, I will be posting color previews as each page is completed.


Anonymous said...

Looks like the rest of the girls are finally catching up!! Can't wait for this one to come out!! Keep up the good work!

BustArtist said...

Thanks! Hang in there. These last 3 issues will be a wild, rollercoaster of a ride.