grOw/cOmic#6, page 86 completed!
Another day, another page! After getting a good head start yesterday after finishing page 85, I was able to make great progress and completed page 86 only 1 day after. Considering the "real life" project issues I have been juggling at the same time (wrestling with Outlook email HTML signatures... boooo, MS!), I am happy I was able to finish a new page so quickly. However, I think if it wasn't for those issues, I would have been able to finish the page by the end of the day yesterday! (Yes, that would have been 2 pages completed in 1 day, one in the morning, and one in the evening.)
We are at the two-thirds mark now, with 12 pages of 18 completed! Hang in there!
Thar she grows!
"Ay matie!"
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