Monday, May 11, 2015

grOw/cOmic#6, page 40 completed!

I reallllly tried to finish page 40 by the end of last week, so that I could have more than just 1 preview in the week; but I just could not do it. I needed at least an extra hour or more, and it was already late on Friday.  So, working this morning, I was able to finish it up. The good thing is that I am able to start on the next page right away with plenty of time left in the day!  In other good news, the major "real life" project I have been working on is now 99.5% complete, and should no longer take up a lot of my time, allowing me more time to work on grOw.


Anonymous said...

That is da sauce :D Excited for faster progress

BustArtist said...

Bam! And another page is done!