Wednesday, February 18, 2015

grOw/cOmic#6, page 26 completed!

I was making such great progress today that I decided to work late so that I could complete page 26 in one day, especially since the last page took longer than usual. With this page, we now have 8 pages completed for issue 2, which is 1 less than the half-way mark!


other290 said...

Amazing progress, can't wait to buy. Assume the girls are no where near half way to their new grown sizes. Their nipples are matching the outside temps now! Wondering if there will be a boob pyramid given the cheerleaders! He can be king of the hill!

Sandman said...

Starting to look like things are about to get interesting. Can't wait to read.

Anonymous said...

That's really great progress BA, keep it up! But don't let your cold return, pace yourself!
Ima predict that in this scene, the girls are taking about how their new growth should get Dan's attention, and then Dan is going to come down the ladder :D

Anonymous said...

This looks awesome. But I hope that the little Asian (who's name I couldn't find) gets some growth this time too.

BustArtist said...

other290: Or King of the Hills!

Sandman: I take it you mean for this issue as things got a quite interesting in issue 1 (grin). :-)

Anon1: Well the cold did sorta' return oddly, but not as strong. A few sniffles and sore throat but plugging through it, thanks!

Anon2: Thanks! The asian is "Gwen". When I was looking where her name was mentioned, I found a huge mistake regarding the name Gwen which I just posted in the latest update for page 27! If you hadn't mentioned this, I might not have found this mistake. :-)