Tuesday, June 12, 2012

GC#5 page 26 complete! New store emerging!

I took a break from all the red tape, setting up, HTML programming, email configuration, etc., etc., etc., for the creation of my new website and eCommerce store to finish page 26, which was 80% done when my old store imploded into a black hole. Thanks for all your patience as I dealt with this disaster.

Over the next few weeks or so, I will be working concurrently on building out my new store as well as working on issue 2 of grOw/cOmic#5. As for the store, my initial goal is just to get all the grOw products up and running. Once that is done, I will put my full focus on completing issue 2. When that is done, I will return to my store and work on a nice, professional design.

For now, enjoy the newest preview!


Anonymous said...

thanks for your dedication and hard work!

BustArtist said...

Thanks for your thanks! :)