GC#4, page 20 complete!
The second page of issue 2 has been completed! To tell the truth, I did not expect this to happen so quickly. However, I was able to find enough time in between jobs, to squeeze in the work. The fact that I had started on the inking of this page yesterday, and, had time between "real life" jobs that are awaiting outside review, allowed me to finished the coloring of this page. While there is still enough work coming down the pike that could potentially slow this unusual pace, I think the worst of the "crush" has passed, and hopefully, I will be able to make some progress over the next few weeks. Enjoy the preview!
I can't wait for when its finished.I was hoping it'd be done before my birthday but its ok I fully understand about real life.
Great leap, hope the RL work turns out OK. Keep at it BA :)
- Potato
Any updates for us BA?
Just updated! I wanted to do this yesterday, or the day before, but something always prevented me from finishing the last panel on the page. It is FINALLY done! :)
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