Page 35 complete!
Just finished page 35, which took a little extra work — this page had a number of different panels with our main characters in them, and included much detail. I have to say that Photoshop CS4's new rotate canvas feature has come in handy here, allowing me to rotate the entire image on screen so that it was easier for me to do certain curved brush strokes in a more natural way for my hand on my Wacom tablet.
I was asked to show a "map" of the current progress of this series, as I did before with the end of grOw/cOmic #2. Here it is! As you can see, there are still 32 pages to be released in this series! Now, I won't update this all the time, but on occasion, I will update it to show you where we are. You can always check back to this entry when I mention a certain page number, too.
Enjoy the preview!
1 comment:
BA, thank you for the MAP! This is really appreciated. As far as the Wacom tablet, we have several where I work. They are awesome! Do you use Flamingo or Rhino in any way? We also have both and the 3D renders are something to behold.
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