Tuesday, July 29, 2008

grOw/cOmic#3: pencil stage half done!

I've made great progress in the pencil drawing stage for grOw/cOmic#3. The "half done" in the title above does not mean half way through only the first issue, but half way through the whole series! I am attempting to do ALL the drawing in one fell swoop. This is for many reasons, with the main issue being to keep consistency. If there is a 2 month break while I ink one issue, and then go back to drawing the same characters, I find it sometimes difficult (at first) to reacquaint myself with each character's distinct features. In the end, this method will also keep time between issues down, as I can jump right into inking the next one.

grOw#3 will be titled "An Inconvenient Growth". This series will be a deep exploration of "B.E." The series will be 4 issues long for a total of about 64 pages. Growth will be steady across all 4 issues, and will involve all sorts of "BE sub-genres": growth, tight clothing, buttons bursting, bra breaking, heightened sensitivity, desire and fear of growth, growth while asleep and awake, tight spaces due to growth, "voyeristic-like" scenes during growth. And with a 4-issue span, the growth will take us through many stages of breast size — something for everyone. There will also be a number of plot twists to move the story along: plans gone wrong, mysterious reasons for growth, infatuation and lust, jealousy and desire, friendship and love, tension and release, and even fear and a touch of danger. Unlike grOw#2, the story focuses on 2 main characters (with a few minor characters along the way), who you will really get to know, experiencing their feelings, desires, and interactions both during the BE and non-BE scenes.

I am starting to draw page 33 now. Depending on my workload, I have been producing 1 page, to as many as 5 pages, a day. Once the pencil stage is complete and scanned in, I will begin the ink and color stage. During this part, I will post updates (and mini-previews) as each page is complete, as I did before during grOw/cOmic#2: H2grOw.


Anonymous said...

awesome thanks for the update!

Anonymous said...

Can't wait for the results!