Thursday, October 27, 2016

grOw/cOmic#6, page 143 completed!

Trying to get back on track, after a major 2-week slowdown, I was able to finish another page within a normal 2-day timeframe. Whoot!  With the completion of page 143, we are now officially past the halfway mark of issue 8!  12 pages done, 11 to go!  There is lots of character interaction going on, which takes a bit more time since overlapping body parts take longer to mask out and color individually. But that interaction is a good thing, isn't it?  ;)


OtherGuy said...

Amazing work. I can't see that there even more twists if that was possible. Excited for the finale!

Anonymous said...

Wish lidya is bigger than gwen ;)

BustArtist said...

Otherguy: There IS one more small twist to come.

Otherguy said...

Bad typo! I meant even through the previews I CAN see there are even more twists to come if that was even possible!!! Impressive and I look forward to seeing what happens. Looks like the entire group is still growing!