Tuesday, December 31, 2013

Happy New Year! What's to come?

Here we are, approaching the dawn of 2014 and entering a new year.

"Succubus" has been well received, and I thank you for your support. Longbow9 was glad to hear of the positive feedback.

So what has been happening since its release about 5 weeks ago? A lot, actually, behind the scenes.

If you've gone to my website, you may have noticed the big improvements I made there:
  • Larger and more previews.
  • Larger Front page images.
  • Sectioning the grOw/cOmics by one series per page for clarity.
  • Sectioning the grOw/stOries by one 3-stOry-collection per page.
  • And recently adding a "Help Chat"! Yes, if I am online, you will see a little chat tab pop-up on the bottom of certain pages (Main store, help, faq, contact) after a few moments of visiting the page. Click to initiate a quick chat with me if you have a question on your order! Instant help!
What about the next project?  They are well underway! And by "they" I mean more than one. Longbow9 will be returning to work on a new grOw/stOry. And while we were discussing the next rewrite of an old E.L. Publication work, we came up with two or three ideas which we liked. 

I also will be writing one that I became very passionate about. I think you all will really like it. It is a complete reworking of the very first E.L. Pub story called "The Blooming of Bonnie." I will most likely be keeping the title, as it works so well with what I have been coming up with.  Currently, I am about 85-90% done with the first draft of the story. While not as large as the last release, "Succubus", it will be the second longest stOry to-date, and will probably be in the area of 30,000 words. This one will be pure breast expansion and will include both male-female as well as female-female sexual scenes. It will also have a strong storyline, with some interesting plot twists, that I hope you will enjoy.

I also have been working on the basic plot line of the next grOw/cOmic series, which will be focused on breast expansion and lactation, and will include a number of women growing. It will be a "kind" of sequel to a previous grOw/cOmic series — that is, in the same "world", and tied into the previous comic, but with new characters.

So, Happy New Year to all ! And stay tuned!


other290 said...

Happy New Year - best wishes for RL and comics works coming in 2014. Can't wait to buy what's coming next, can't go wrong with good old BE stories. And I'm looking forward to Longbow9's upcoming work (esp. Medicine Show)!

foducool said...

happy new year, dude
can't wait to see more of your works ^^

Ready Art said...

Oh man - when if ever will we see that old chestnut "Growing Concerns" make a comeback?!?! You know what I'm talking about BA! It's been years since I saw that preview on your old site (was it at the BEArchive?). Ah well, I await it's return! haha

Yours truly,

-Ready Art