Wednesday, November 14, 2012

grOw/cOmic#5, page 54 completed!

Surprise!  I was making great progress on the next page, so I decided to continue working late and complete page 54, just one day after the last. It was definitely not an easy page, so the quick turn around was the result of a lot of extra work. Sorry for a slightly more vague cropping of the preview this time, but we are getting to the end of the issue, and I don't want to reveal too much. Speaking of end of issue, there is only 1 page and 1 cover to go! The cover, of course, is for issue 4, which appears as a sneak preview at the end of issue 3. We are almost there!


Anonymous said...

Your extra work is greatly appreciated! Looks phenomenal! My purchased is guaranteed upon release.

BustArtist said...

Anon: Thanks! Glad you've liked the progress so far. I appreciate the $upport, which allows me to work on grOw with such time and effort.