Work on new grOw/stOries begins!
Now that the latest grOw/cOmic series has been completed, I am now turning my attention to putting out more grOw/stOries (the former E.L Publications' Titanic Tit Tales collection). Right now, I am working on "Voodoo Booboo", a story of BE witchcraft gone awry. The story is a good one, but it needed tweaking. I have added more description and details to the text, to help fill it in more. For example, I felt the story was weak in the large amount of back and forth dialogue that occured, without any descriptions of who was talk, what they were feeling, or how they were speaking.
For example (not taken from the story):
..."You're growing, Jessica!"..."Oh my god!"..."Why do you think this happened?"...I don't know! Maybe it was the formula"?
Changed to:
..."You're growing, Jessica!" the blonde exclaimed, her eyes darting from one expanding nipple to the other.
..."Oh... my... god..." Jessica gasped, her mouth continuing to work wordlessly in bewilderment.
...Doris shook her head as if to wake from a dream. "Why..." She tried to form words, but it wasn't easy. "Why... do you think this happened?"
..."I don't know!" The busty redhead exclaimed. "Maybe it was the formula?"
The above is just a quick example of what I mean. I think just straight dialogue can get confusing if it is too long without an identifier (just who is talking anyway?). And, without any description of the speaker's actions or emotions, it can result in a much more "bland" scene.
I will probably do a little more of this to the text before releasing it, but for now, I am concentrating on the artwork. The story has been layed out, all 13 drawings have been completed in the pencil stage, and I am now in the digital ink and paint stage. I may not show a preview for each page done, since, with only 1 image per page, a preview, however small, may give too much away. But, a few previews here and there, may be possible. For now, here is a preview of the first illustration. Enjoy!
Can't wait for the next installment -- Your previous adaptations looked great!
This is a good choice. I have the original and I enjoyed this one even with the BW illustrations.
Are you going to release just the one, or wll you do three and release three at once like you've done before? Either one works ok for me.I guess it's cheaper to buy a bundle, but I hate to wait...
Great Work!
I can hardly wait till its finished and get my hands on it.
Comic's are great and all, but a well written story, with a handful of pictures to stimulate your imagination a bit more are just as pleasing to be reading. The keep me occupied a bit longer.
Like Geoffk asked already, will you be working on a total of 3 stories and release them all at ones or will it be different this time?
I intend to release at least 3 stOries before returning to any grOw/cOmics. Due to the lengthy prep time for each stOry, I will be releasing them one at a time. However, when the third stOry is complete, I will release a 3-story Collection (like the other Collections). This gives you a choice of getting the stOries right away, or waiting for the Collection.
Either way, for those interested in the Collections, the 3-pack for stOries #10-12 will be released at the same time, whether I do one-at-a-time, or all 3.
In addition to the fact that the Collection will be released at the same time, whether I do it as a 1-at-a-time or 3-at-once schedule, the foreseeable future is cloudy in terms of my "real life" workflow, which is one of the reasons I am doing this. I may be inundated like I was recently, which pushed the turnaround time for grOw/cOmic#3, issue 5 from 5-6 weeks to about 12 weeks.
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