It dawned on me that after starting this blog, and making 3 quick posts, that there was a lull in updates right away. It was purely timing.
This past Friday was a bad day for any updates, as I was crushed with deadline work. This does happen from time to time. Also, we just had a weekend. After a busy week, I need time to catch up on life, and, welll... things like laundry! ;D
Also, each page takes a different amount of time. One page that has a lot of water shots (the one I am working on now) takes longer because of the special effects I have to add with Photoshop. Also, the size of the page makes no difference. Rather, the number of panels AND the number of people who appear in each panel affects the amount of time to complete. The opening pages (see previous issues) have only contained 1 panel, and maybe 1 or 2 people. Much easier than a page with 6 panels, and each panel contains 4 people.
Now... back to inking and coloring page 62...