Well, the Christmas holiday took up a lot of time this week (Monday through Wednesday), so I only had 2 days to work on Episode X. However, I was able to complete 5 more frames, bringing the total to 20 of 50 frames for the issue. That's 40% done! While next week includes the New Year's holiday, I don't think it will take away as much time as the past week. In the meanwhile, enjoy the preview! And, HAPPY NEW YEAR 2019 !
Holy fractions, Batman! We're nearly a third done with the next Episode of grOw/cinema. You read that right. I completed 15 of 50 frames of the next issue, which is 30%! Of course, the next 2 weeks will slow the pacing a bit, with the holidays and my usual year-end "real life" work. But, once passed that, things should move along quite quickly! Hang in there and enjoy the first preview of the next episode that will be titled "Celestial Spheres."
It's been about a week and a half since Episode IX was launched and I am glad to hear all the great feedback. I am glad you are enjoying the "Ever-Expanding Universe" series.
Episode X's Script is completed: After some challenges to consolidate and solve the loose ends I left at the end of the last chapter, I was able to write the next chapter of the series. See below... Episode X and blueberry girl: While some have enjoyed the last episode and the artwork, they've expressed that "blueberry" is not their thing. Understandable. Not everything is for everyone. It is also a major departure for me, but I had fun experimenting and giving it a whirl. The blueberry sequence was left in a cliffhanger and still has a ways to go. While I planned on completing the sequence in Episode X, I have decided to focus on doing so in the next issue. That is, the story will focus only on completing the blueberry storyline. Those who enjoy blueberry girls, can purchase and enjoy the issue when I complete it. Those who enjoyed the artwork and story, even if blueberry was not their thing, can also purchase and enjoy the issue. Those who would rather not purchase a mostly blueberry issue can simply skip Episode X and pick-up with Episode XI without getting lost in the story. Episode X will be a shorter issue for the above reason. Usually, I've played out the action following the previous issue's cliffhanger, then moved on to the next new stage in Carl's adventures. Instead, I will complete the aforementioned first part, and then end the issue. The script I've written fills out full 50-frames in a satisfying completion to the sequence. The short issue also means the next Episode will be released sooner than past issues!
New B.E. Parody Illustration: I held a Poll at my DeviantArt Gallery and had people vote on what they would like as the next B.E. Parody illustration, which I do from time to time between issues. The winner of the poll was Scoobie Doo (cartoon version). Below is the result. Enjoy! (Note: the winner was just which Parody would be done first. There will be more done in the future based on this list and other ideas.)