Monday, October 3, 2022

BustArtist Patreon Collections!

Don't want to join Patreon? Or have you missed older BustArtist Patreon artwork? You can now get BustArtist Patreon Collections at!  Separated into 3-months-worth-of-art collections, each Collection contains up to 21 Patreon images, each in 3 sizes from 1700 x 1200px up to 7000 x 5000 pixels!

Check them out now, at here »


Anonymous said...

Can you please put the viewport meta HTML tag on your site so I can view it on mobile:

BustArtist said...

Hi Anon — I understand the frustration. As a one person operation, that leaves a LOT to handle — art, story, e-commerce, customer service, and website programming. I've been working on trying to make my website mobile compatible over the years. I have had a renewed focus on this in the last few months and have been setting up a brand new website using special CMS tools from the provider of my ecommerce set-up. However, it's a daunting task and is taking time. I have to balance time towards the creation of my art for grOw series and my Patreon with working on the behind the scenes aspects such as this.
You suggestion of simply adding the viewport tag would not work on my current site, as it has so many parts that require a specific viewport size. Simply adding that tag would actually break the site (see the Link you provided, and scroll down to the list of 3 things not to do if this tag is applied. I have ALL of those on the site already).
Thank you for your patience. I am slowly working on a solution.