Friday, June 18, 2021

grOw/cinema 2, Ep. 2, frame 53 completed!

I worked like a whirlwind and finished my Patreon May obligations last week. I then started on June's rewards. While I still have more to go, I was not behind, so I decided to work on some more grOw/cinema 2. I was able to complete 5 new frames. I also wasted a huge amount of time recreating 2 frames that I didn't realized I had already completed — doh! Seems my local external hard drive did not back-up before my computer failed, but my cloud back had (thank goodness). 

53 frames are now done out of the final 65-69 frames. The count is not exact as I haven't nailed down the final scene that I am adding to. It was originally about 60 frames, but I wanted to add something that I think will add to the "climax" of the issue. (wink wink)


Anonymous said...

Lookin' good BA

How long is the series two going to be? Liking the material, interested where it goes :), wondering if Carl and Holly in season one are going to get a 'climax' if their own one day?

BustArtist said...

At the moment, I have outlined series 2, and I believe it will be about 8-9 issues. Issues 3-9 are not yet written, so it may be that a certain chapter that I had in mind is not long enough, or too long, for one issue. This may shorten or extend this number.

I DO hope to return to "The Ever-Expanding Universe" and give Carl and Holly their time in the spotlight. :-) I've already been brainstorming what that encounter will be like.

Anonymous said...

Looking forward to finding out! All the best now your hard drive is fixed.