Friday, September 18, 2015

grOw/cOmic#6, page 71 completed!

I just had to work a little later to complete page 71.  I was so close to completion at the normal end of my day, that I pushed through an extra hour and a half so that I could have a second preview this week.  These current few pages are quite detailed, and, as said in previous posts, have a lot of character interaction and overlapping which requires more time. I also did a cool "camera shot" on this page that took a little extra time and Photoshop layers. Though extra work, I like how it came out (lots of masking and overlapping transparencies).

It's also getting harder to crop these pages as we near the end of the issue. I don't want to give spoilers away, but I still want to create excitement. The last few previews may have crops that become more and more vague as the progress due to this.

Only 3 more pages (and the cover to issue 5) to go until release!


Anonymous said...

I just noticed in this panel that Gwen's ass looks like its sticking out more than in last chapter. Could my dream be coming true? :D

BustArtist said...

Anon Nope, sorry. Just they way she is walking. No ass expansion in this series.