Wednesday, September 16, 2015

grOw/cOmic#6, page 70 completed!

Well, it took an extra day, but I was finally able to complete page 70 of grOw/cOmic#6.  Once again, this page had a lot of visual effects, which take time.  Also, there were a lot of characters appearing in each frame, as well as many overlapping and interacting character limbs, clothing, etc. This takes more time because of all the little pieces of art that each require masking out before coloring and shading. The last 4 pages if the issue also have similar aspects to varying degrees. I hope to make the best time that I can on these pages, but know that each may take a bit more work.


Anonymous said...

Great work BA. Is it me or do Lydia's duggs look bigger? :D

BustArtist said...

Maybe it was a chilly breeze that went through the barn. ;-)