Friday, April 7, 2023

grOw/cinema 2, Ep. 5 work begins! Frame 16 completed

In a little over a week, I was able to finish up to frame 16 of the next issue of grOw/cinema 2, "growing to a Crescendo".

During the last few weeks, I've been finalizing the script of this issue (which had been about 70% complete when I sat down to work on the next release). I also worked on the new background (a large variation of a previous background).

This issue will be a streamlined edition — coming in (currently) at 50 pages. It is also the next-to-last episode of this series, building to its huge climax. I hope to complete this issue by the end of May.

The next issue of grOw/cinema 1, "The Ever-Expanding Universe" will follow. I have "goal points" to this next chapter, but I still have to mull over and conceive the journey that happens between the first and last pages. 

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