Friday, May 10, 2019

grOw/cinema, frame 26 completed!

In terms of frame count, it may seem that not a lot of progress was made this week. But that can't be further from the truth.  The 7 frames I finished this week each required LOTS of work. For one, the story has transitioned to a new scene, required me to create it in my 3D program (from scratch). Also, many of these frames contain a lot of new characters — one frame even showing 9 people. The more people, faces, and detailed clothing in a frame, the more time it takes to create. One frame took an entire day (in comparison, I can get up to 3+ frames done in the same time, depending on the complexity). In the end, I easily did the work of 13-15 frames. So, we're still on track!


Anonymous said...

Your awesome! Good work!

Logan said...

Premise that I really like the story but I think it would not be time to change in the way we suppose that there is another person "with the same powers of his" I can understand that it is very difficult because you should change environments and characters and things of the genus but it wouldn't hurt as an idea to think about it. Keep it up so they make me crazy about your designs

Logan said...

Premise that I really like the story but I think it would not be time to change in the way we suppose that there is another person "with the same powers of his" I can understand that it is very difficult because you should change environments and characters and things of the genus but it wouldn't hurt as an idea to think about it. Keep it up so they make me crazy about your designs