Thursday, November 3, 2016

grOw/cOmic#6, page 145 completed!

Well, the latest page took a tad longer than usual (a couple of morning hours on the third day). Page 145 had a number of special effects (lots of liquids, blur effects, and combining 3D-rendered background items and hand-drawn characters. 14 down, 9 to go! The good thing is that with the completion of this page so early in the day, I will get a great start on the next page in the same day.


Anonymous said...

Woah i cant wait to get my hands on this final issue if gwen get any bigger she will hit the ceiling a burst the barn open...

other290 said...

Been watching since Grow 1, can't wait to see the whole story. Surprised anyone can move for the first half given the end of the last chapter. Bet they win their next Cheer leading compeTITion when they barely fit their uniforms.