Tuesday, August 25, 2015

grOw/cOmic#6, page 64 completed!

I cruised through the latest page, finishing page 64 in about a day and a half. You will see that this preview is the color version of one of the pencil previews I showed at the start of issue 4's creation (post: July 17). Except for the fact that this issue is an extra page longer (19 pages), we would be at the half-way mark of the issue with 9 pages done. We will have to wait until the completion of page 65 to surpass that milestone. Enjoy the preview!


Anonymous said...

Can't wait for the full release! (Correct me if I'm am mistaken, but you mentioned page 7 at the last post... (august 21)... and now you talk about page 9. Did you jump over page8??)

BustArtist said...

Anon: Nope, I didn't miss a page. However, I miscounted on the last post. The "7" should have been an "8". :-) (I fixed it in the post.)